How to Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver CC 2018

How to Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver CC 2018

How to Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver CC 2018
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111  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionHi – my name is Ahmad and I’ll be leading you through this course on how to Make money building a friendly websites using Dreamweaver.
I built this course for the visual person, the right brained person. We won’t hide from code but we’ll use all the visual tools that makes Dreamweaver so amazing.
These are the skills you’ll need to become a professional web designer. You’ll learn how to make responsive websites in Dreamweaver as well as learning what to charge and how to manage a website project.
We cover everything you need to build your first website. From creating your first page through to uploading your website to the internet. During the course we’ll create a website for a mock creative agency – creating mobile and desktop versions.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Web designerWeb developerAfficher plusAfficher moins

How to Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver CC 2018

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