Tips, Tools, Techniques for Writing and Producing Radio Ads, Audio Advertising for Podcasts, Streaming Services and more

How to Create Audio Commercials that Sell

Tips, Tools, Techniques for Writing and Producing Radio Ads, Audio Advertising for Podcasts, Streaming Services and more
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63 Avis
280  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Audio Advertising – A Booming and Growing Industry

AM & FM radio, satellite radio, streaming services, podcasts. Together, they’re a booming, multibillion industry. And all of them carry audio advertising. That means there are outstanding opportunities for those who know how to create radio commercials and other types of audio ads – and those opportunities are growing.

How Do You Take Advantage of the Opportunities?

But to take advantage of them, you must know how to create audio commercials that sell. This course provides you with a step-by-step, start-to-finish process that will enable you to easily write audio commercials and get them produced. You’ll be able to create commercials that work to sell all kinds of products, services and more.

Who Are We to Teach You?

How do we know? Because we – your instructors, the principals of The Norman Agency, “The Sound of Marketing”® – have created thousands of audio advertising campaigns during our careers, for consumer-focused products and services as well as B2B clients. And what we’ll teach you are the skills and techniques that we use year in and year out.

What Are You Going to Get from This Course?

·      3 hours of lectures

·      proven techniques

·      downloadable examples

·      customizable templates

·      the confidence to write and get your audio ads produced

·      access to your instructors through the comments section; answers to your questions within two business days

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is designed for you if you’ve never or rarely written and produced audio commercials (that is, ads for radio – AM/FM, satellite – podcasts, streaming services and other media), but you’re in one of the following groups:
Staff Copywriters who have recently been hired by a radio station or an ad agency;
Freelance copywriters who want to add these skills to their list of services;
Radio station producers and freelance producers who might have to write commercials;
Radio station sales reps who need to write commercials for their clients;
Marketing managers who want to knowledgeably create or supervise the creation of commercials;
Business owners who want to fully understand the whole process or write their own ads;
Announcers or actors who want to offer audio ad writing as an additional service for their clients;
PR practitioners who want to provide audio ads to their clients;
Advertising and media students who want to add new skills to their job-search toolkit;
Podcast producers and hosts who have to create commercials for their shows;
And many others.
This course is NOT for people who want to learn the technical skills of recording. In other words, we won’t be covering – and in this course, you don’t have to know or learn – anything about how to use production software or hardware.
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Tips, Tools, Techniques for Writing and Producing Radio Ads, Audio Advertising for Podcasts, Streaming Services and more

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