Other courses online just regurgitate information ABOUT marketing they saw in videos online. They are also super outdated! This is a course for 2020 and beyond.
None of the creators are even artists like us who have tried the marketing themselves. This is the ONLY SoundCloud Marketing course with documented proof of how it was done step by step, day by day. It is also the only course that shows such quick results.
I started a brand new Soundcloud from absolute scratch and show you how I grow it with only 1 song on the profile. As I show you with proof, these are REAL followers and you can watch the results I get everyday utilizing strategies and tools 99% of artists aren’t using.
You want an edge? I give you the edge!
I am the only music artist (just like you) who is taking what I learn, as I learn it to help upcoming artists.
I study, I test, I try, I learn, then teach.
OVER 10,000 MUSIC ARTISTS HAVE TAKEN MY COURSES. I am the creator and CEO of the biggest educational platform for upcoming music artists.
This course took me over 2 months to plan, study, document, edit and release.
Want to get your music heard? I have the best tools and strategies that you will need to build your fan base and promote your music on SoundCloud.
If you are serious about getting your music heard through Soundcloud promotion then you need to leverage the tools, strategies and tricks of the music marketing power of Soundcloud.
Lots of music artists, bands and rappers are struggling because they can’t figure out how to get people to listen to their music. Even if they get people to listen, they cant figure out why the listeners don’t follow them.
As a successful music artist myself I have been in your shows and I felt your pain for over 5 years in my music marketing efforts before I finally started gaining a hardcore fan base.
In this course I walk you through a complete music marketing plan that will help you grow your fan base in 14 days. Then you can consistently keep repeating the same process.
Here’s why I recommend Soundcloud to reach your audience:
It is stupid easy to learn and use for music artists
You can easily target, find and convert new fans of your music (when I show you how)
Soundcloud listeners are known for being more open to consuming new music because of how the platform operates and the primary demographic of the music consuming daily active user base.
A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips
The fans you will get naturally are people who are interested into your music style. At the end of the course you will be able to grow your fan base and get new buyers from Soundcloud.
Suitable for beginning music marketers and more advance users, the course will take between one and two hours to complete. The course is based on 20 lectures covering Soundcloud for music marketing.
With these basics mastered, the course will take you through fan collection to music promotion strategies.
Students completing the course will have the knowledge to grow their fan base with high targeted fans and promote music online via Soundcloud.
Complete with working files and swipe files, you’ll be able to work alongside the author and ask any questions you may have.
+++No bots needed for this course – I have more advanced courses for that+++
If you follow the exact things you can watch me do day by day in this course, I would be absolutely baffled and confused as to how you don’t see similar results. In the first 7 days alone I would expect you to make an enormous return on your investment in taking this course today. With tat being said, if for any reason whatsoever you are unsatisfied with the material in this course I will give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked.
– Your friend and music industry mentor, Rob Level
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Upcoming Music Artists Who Use SoundCloud In ANY Genre
Music Artists who are serious about growing their career and fanbase
Music Managers who want to help their artists grow faster to start getting paid from their management
Booking Agents
Music Marketing Companies
Public Relations Professionals (PR)
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