Interior Design in 3D is a dream come true! Design in 3D, fast and fun. No complicated software, no installations

Home Design: Learn to Design your House in 3D

Interior Design in 3D is a dream come true! Design in 3D, fast and fun. No complicated software, no installations
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2 088  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



1800+ STUDENTS ALREADY JOINED THIS COURSE! Learn Interior Design without being an architect to design your Dream Home in 3D, easy and fun!

You will learn to:

Design floor plans for your home

Design spaces in 3D

Add rooms, annexes and additional levels

Paint and furnish your space

Modify your design to suit your needs

Take high-resolution photos of your designs in 3D

Make 360 ° panoramic views

Bathroom Design

Design Homes for any taste

Promote your portfolio

And much more…

Also I will present you how to use the App for designing in your ipad or Android tablet.

You’ll learn the principles of Interior Design and without any experience you’ll learn how to get a beautiful design ready in a matter of minutes.

                                                                    In addition, any questions you have, I will always be available to answer your questions here in Udemy. And you’ll have access to my website, where you can find discount codes for my new courses and much, much more! 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone, any age, no matter where you are!
If you want to start your own 3D home design company
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Interior Design in 3D is a dream come true! Design in 3D, fast and fun. No complicated software, no installations

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