Essential knowledge for acoustic design and on-site noise related installation aspects of HVAC systems in buildings

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Noise Control

Essential knowledge for acoustic design and on-site noise related installation aspects of HVAC systems in buildings
Notes de 3,9 sur 5
39 Avis
195  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is a follow-up to my previous course entitled Building Acoustics and Noise Control.

It is assumed that students have an understanding of the mechanical design and operation of (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) HVAC systems in buildings. This course focuses on acoustic design considerations for HVAC systems in buildings. 

The separate elements in HVAC systems are reviewed with respect to acoustic importance in terms of causing noise issues or providing acoustic benefit by attenuation of system noise.  The approach and methodology is presented for undertaking acoustic calculations for HVAC systems with associated recommendations and strategies for noise control. Recommendations and example constructions are provided for typical mechanical equipment rooms. Guidance guidance is provided for on-site installation of HVAC systems to avoid noise issues, and tips for acoustic testing during commissioning stage.

The course is aimed at :

   1. Advanced high school and university students.

   2. Mature age students doing self-serve learning on acoustics and noise control.

   3. University course coordinators needing specialist content on acoustics and noise control for HVAC systems.

   4. University graduates to qualify for graduate acoustic consultant job positions.

   5. Engineering and HVAC professionals wanting an understanding of noise control design considerations for buildings.

   6. Construction industry HVAC contractors.

Broad topics covered include:

   1. Introduction: Noise in HVAC Systems

   2. HVAC Noise Sources

   3. HVAC Manufacturers Noise Data

   4. Measuring HVAC System Noise

   5. HVAC Noise Attenuating Elements

   6. Branching Elements

   7. HVAC Noise Regeneration

   8. HVAC Noise to Outdoors or within Rooms

   9. Noise in Piped Services

   10. Mechanical Equipment Room Design

   11. HVAC System Noise Calculations

   12. Specification and Tips for Construction Stage of HVAC systems

If you have no prior knowledge of acoustics, I recommend you also take my other course entitled Building Acoustics and Noise Control.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Advanced high school and university students
Mature age students doing self-serve learning on acoustics and noise control
Engineering and HVAC professionals wanting to understand noise control design considerations for HVAC systems in buildings.
Construction industry HVAC contractors
University graduates to qualify for graduate acoustic consultant job positions
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Essential knowledge for acoustic design and on-site noise related installation aspects of HVAC systems in buildings

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