A quick guide for basic knowledge of graphic design.

Graphic design – The Quick Guide

A quick guide for basic knowledge of graphic design.
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Description Hi there! My name is Frank, from Ideaquirk! I would like to tell you something about my experience as a graphic designer. My passion for this job started when I was still a child. I just loved to draw, sketch and communicate my ideas this way, so as soon as I had my first computer I started studying really hard the most famous design softwares. After few years, despite the fact that I was mastering these tools, I could see that my works were always missing something and I so I was getting frustrated: how comes that, even though I am studying so hard, I’m not improving the quality of my works? The answer was that I forgot about something really important! The basic rules of graphic design! Design, first of all, is all about communication and psychology! Fortunately for designers, there are solid rules that you can learn and afterwards, use them in order to communicate your idea in a more effective way! Of course, you have to study them! So, how comes that many designers still avoid to acknowledge them? Simply because getting your hands on the paper (or on the keyboard) is much more fun! however, this without a basic idea will turn into frustration very much soon! It can be avoided. With this I can help you. I produced this quick course for people who can’t wait to start producing their own artworks. I summarized all the most important concepts of design in a 40 minutes. I couldn’t be more concise! Learning these basic concepts, will help you to have better results in your works immediately. They will also be a solid base for your further studies! If you are like me, and you like to learn while having fun, this course is just made for you! Frank À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?BeginnersAfficher plusAfficher moins

A quick guide for basic knowledge of graphic design.

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