Learn how to create HTML5 Animated Banner ads without coding in Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer (2020) : HTML5 Banner Ads Without Coding

Learn how to create HTML5 Animated Banner ads without coding in Google Web Designer
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Google Web Designer is an easy, free and powerful tool that is used widely by Display Marketers and animators to create HTML5 Display Ads. This course takes you through all the essentials you need to understand in your journey to start creating HTML5 banner ads without coding. The course also takes you through some basics of CSS and HTML 5 that are good to know in case if the user tries to add some additional properties in banner ads.

Google Web Designer is almost like an industry standard for creating HTML5 animated banner ads, lots of companies, brands, and agencies use this tool across the globe to create HTML5 animated ads. As I have been working in the field of online marketing and the design industry for the last 10 years, I have tried to share my experience with this tool in form of a course. So join this course and share your feedback with me. I hope you get a lot of value from this course. I update this course on a continuous basis as the Google Web designer team adds features to it.

In addition to that, you don’t need to have any special skills to learn this tool.

Latest Updates:

1. April 2020: Image Effect Component and Preview Tool

2. October 2019: Masking and Transition Gallery

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Online Marketing Professionals
Digital Marketers
Digital Designers
Graphic Designers
UI/UX Designers
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Learn how to create HTML5 Animated Banner ads without coding in Google Web Designer

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