Be Visible, Get More Sales an Grow Your Brand

Get Free Media Coverage by Collaborating with Journalists

Be Visible, Get More Sales an Grow Your Brand
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2 623  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Media coverage can catapult your business.

It boosts your brands credibility, exposure and helps position you as an authority in your industry leading to more sales.

This course will teach you how to get free PR and media coverage for your business, brand, product or service including in magazines, blogs, newspapers, tv, popular websites and radio.

This training is a step by step guide to collaborating with journalists to get in the media without using a PR company or expensive firms. This course is perfect for beginners or those looking for some insider tips and tricks to boost their chances of getting published. You don’t need a big budget, in fact you don’t need any budget! Concise and actionable, in just 30 minutes you will learn:

How to target the best media for your brand to boost sales.

How to find the right journalists and their contact details.

How to come up with an interesting story and put it into a well written press release.

How to connect with journalists so they are responsive and want to work with you.

How to build solid relationships with journalists so they will come back to you again and again.

How to find opportunities to appear in the media.

Join me on this training and let’s get your business noticed.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Business owners looking to get media coverage and PR for their brand.
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Be Visible, Get More Sales an Grow Your Brand

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