Data and AI-Driven Email Marketing Automation with HubSpot, ChatGPT, CanvaAI. Create an AI chatbot, website and more

Generative AI, Email Marketing & More with Beginner Projects

Data and AI-Driven Email Marketing Automation with HubSpot, ChatGPT, CanvaAI. Create an AI chatbot, website and more
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56  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is designed for beginners and anyone eager to integrate Artificial Intelligence into various aspects of digital strategy as well as marketing automation. Whether you’re just curious about AI or seeking efficient ways to amplify your productivity, this course will introduce you to essential tools and provide you with knowledge to leverage cutting-edge AI technologies.

What You Will Learn:

Foundational Knowledge: Begin with the basics of what Generative AI is and how it operates, setting the stage for more complex applications.

Natural Language Processing & Prompt Engineering: Explore how AI understands and generates human-like text, and learn how to craft effective prompts to guide AI in generating desired outcomes.

Practical AI Applications: Create a website landing page and a short video, all powered by Generative AI.

AI-Powered Chatbots: Improve Customer Service by creating a conversational chatbot that can serve visitors of your website.

Data Science Techniques: Leverage AI for collaborative filtering and personalized recommendations with the help of AI.

Marketing Automation with HubSpot: We will work with HubSpot and run an Email Marketing Campaign, build a personalized email with the help of AI.

Campaign Analysis: Use AI to analyze marketing data and extract actionable insights to improve campaign performance.

Whether you are a marketer, a developer, or simply a tech enthusiast, this course will introduce you to Generative AI and how it can be used in various domains effectively. Enroll now to begin your journey into the future of technology!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Business Professionals interested in using Generative AI
Anyone with an interest in Generative AI
Anyone eager to get introduced to Marketing Automation.
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Data and AI-Driven Email Marketing Automation with HubSpot, ChatGPT, CanvaAI. Create an AI chatbot, website and more

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