Learn how to create eye-catching 3D designs in Fusion 360 and then monetize your skill.

Fusion 360 : Learn CAD and Earn Money Online.

Learn how to create eye-catching 3D designs in Fusion 360 and then monetize your skill.
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93  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to our Fusion 360 course! Are you ready to take your 3D design skills to the next level and learn how to earn money from them? This project-based course is perfect for beginners and those new to Fusion 360.

With a focus on creating photorealistic renders of a variety of products, including a minimalistic drill machine, headphones, a smart robot toy, a robotic arm, and a chair, you’ll learn all the necessary skills for product design.

Throughout the course, we’ll cover 2D and 3D command features and show you how to create high-detail products. We’ll also help you create an eye-catching portfolio and teach you seven different ways to earn money from your design skills. And with lessons that are suitable for both Windows and Mac users, you can learn Fusion 360 no matter what your operating system.

I will teach you the skills necessary to stand out from the crowd, whether it’s a personal passion or a business pursuit, you can learn product designing from the scratch in Autodesk Fusion 360 software. Wish you a happy learning. Please do comment and provide feedback for the course.

So join us and let’s start your journey toward becoming a skilled Fusion 360 designer. We can’t wait to see what you create!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
The course is designed for beginners. So no prior knowledge in 3D design necessary.
Engineering students, hobbyists, designers, 3d printing ethusiasts.
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Learn how to create eye-catching 3D designs in Fusion 360 and then monetize your skill.

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