Learn 3D Modeling, Assembly, Drawing, Rendering, Animation and Motion study in Fusion 360 from scratch

Fusion 360 Beginners Course

Learn 3D Modeling, Assembly, Drawing, Rendering, Animation and Motion study in Fusion 360 from scratch
Notes de 4,5 sur 5
4 630 Avis
21 020  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is for an absolute beginner in Fusion 360 who has never worked with this software before and wants to learn everything about Fusion 360 right from scratch.

These are the major highlights of the course

A comprehensive course with nearly 15 hours of video lectures

Ten Fusion 360 quick tips included

All lesson files available for download

Self-assessment quizzes and practice drawings at the end of sections

Constantly updated course to keep up with Fusion 360 updates

Taught by Autodesk certified professional

Quick responses from the instructor for course-related questions

Autogenerated closed captioning (provided by Udemy)

What’s in this course?

This course currently contains comprehensive video lectures of Modeling, Assembly, Drawing, Rendering and Animation workspaces with all the tools and commands explained with real-life drawings, parts and assemblies.

At the end of every section, there is a self-assessment Quiz containing 5 or more questions to assess your performance of in the section. Almost every section ahs a practice drawing at the end which is related to the tools taught in the current section.

This course is made with a beginner in mind, so if you have never worked with Fusion 360 then also you will find the lectures easy to follow. This course is the same for Windows as well as Mac users, so no matter what your operating system is you can use this course for learning.

Project Oriented Course

This course is project-oriented where you will learn to use the tools and features using real word parts and objects and also the practice drawings are kept as close to real-world as possible to make you feel comfortable in applying the skills learned here in your work.

Instructor support for questions

What can be more frustrating than not understanding a tool and finding no answer rated to it anywhere on the internet? Well, with this course you need not worry about finding answers to your questions as you can post your questions directly in the Q&A section and get quick responses from the instructor or you can also directly message the instructor for asking your course-related questions.

As an instructor, I try to answer each and every question as soon as possible.

Also if you ever feel that this course is not for you, you can ask for a full refund within 30 days of enrollment.

So let’s get started, I am waiting for you in the course.


You need to have access to Fusion 360 software for this course. You can get free student version of Fusion 360 (if eligible) and free startup edition (again, if eligible) as well. Check with the software vendor for the software license.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners of Fusion 360
Engineering students, hobbyists, woodworkers, 3d printing enthusiasts
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Learn 3D Modeling, Assembly, Drawing, Rendering, Animation and Motion study in Fusion 360 from scratch

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