Get more donors and more customers by learning how to create and work a successful fundraising strategy.

Fundraising Principles for Nonprofits and Small Businesses.

Get more donors and more customers by learning how to create and work a successful fundraising strategy.
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18 Avis
103  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


Description Fundraising often strikes fear in the hearts of people. As a fundraiser you are simply the conduit that helps an individual connect with a cause they care about. This course will help you to gain a firm foundation of various fundraising avenues so as to create winning fundraising strategies. Learn Fundamental Fundraising Principles That Help You Become A Better Employee, Board Member, Fundraiser, Director Or Candidate. Learn the top 10 development areas for crafting a winning fundraising strategy Recognize the five types of donors and how to reach them Gain knowledge of the seven elements for successful donor communications Discover key phrases that enable you to quickly put information into practice Acquire insights that assist you in your efforts to achieve your fundraising goals At its heart, fundraising is simply communication and marketing coupled with relationship building. This course will enable you to gain beneficial insights that you can use in your career, your life and your volunteer efforts. Understanding the various areas of fundraising will help you make you a valuable member of your team. Contents and Overview This course contains over 20+ lectures and over three hours of content. This course is designed so you can quickly grasp fundraising essentials and put them into practice. Depending on your role in fundraising—whether as staff, board member, candidate’s manager or even a small business owner—learning these areas will assist you in crafting the best way to create awareness of your “product » or mission. By the end of this course, you will have a strong knowledge of all the basic areas of fundraising as well as specific tools you can use to quickly start your fundraising practice today. This course will also assist you in your efforts to expend time and resources on those areas that provide the best return on investment for your particular area and target market. Exercises will enable you to try out some of your newly gained knowledge. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?This course will help individuals newer to fundraising gain insightful knowledge. This course will help those who either work or are engaged in the nonprofit world, whether as staff, a board member or volunteer. While geared toward those newer to fundraising, those who have been in the nonprofit world for five years or less may be reminded of key fundraising principles needed to be successful in fundraising. Since this course includes fundraising principles along with the importance of consistent communications and marketing to the individual, this course can also be helpful for small business owners as well as local candidates requiring funding for campaigns. For those students taking the class they would just recognize the term donor as their customer or constituent. This course is not intended for the dedicated fundraising professional, savvy marketer or long term political candidate with strong fundraising strategies in place.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Get more donors and more customers by learning how to create and work a successful fundraising strategy.

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