Invent, design and experiment with interaction using your Photoshop or Sketch 3 designs. Learn how to use framer js

Framerjs: Innovative prototyping and design with interaction

Invent, design and experiment with interaction using your Photoshop or Sketch 3 designs. Learn how to use framer js
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



The last course update March 21st 2019 go to the end of the course details to see all the updates!

Constant updates for free! Includes prototyping for Virtual Reality!

All course content is valid for the latest version of Framer

Join more than 2900 students and learn how to use Framer JS with your Sketch 3 or Photoshop designs to create innovative prototypes, design animation and add interaction to your mobile and web designs and prototypes.

This course teaches step by step how to get all the power of Framer JS and the power of the latest additions. You will prototype and add interaction to your designs thanks to the step by step lessons and the tips I am giving.

If you ever wanted to use Framer but didn’t know how or where to start this course is for you as it covers from the basics to the advance step by step and with a progressive learning curve.

Forget about static prototypes as that does not represent your real thinking, Framer JS, and Framer Studio lets your creation flow and allows you to create quickly and easy designs for your mobile devices, iPhone, android or windows phone and for the web.

Learn how to work quickly with the app following my method and be ready to create designs fast and in a very easy way.

The course includes all you need to know to start designing. Even if you are a novice or an expert, you will be able to do this course.

This course is targeted for designers, UX, freelancers, developers or all kind of people that will like to design in an easy and up to date way.

Course updates:

Updated on 21st March 2019 updated two lessons to reflect latest changes

Updated on 3rd August 2018 some lessons updated to match the last Framer version

Updated on 6th April 2018 new lesson added

Updated on 8th January 2018 updated lessons to match latest Framer version

Updated on 16th October 2017 new lesson added

Updated on 13th September 2017 all course resources have been updated to work with latest Framer update

Updated on 7th September 2017 fix for some lessons not being displayed properly on latest Framer version

Updated on 17th July 2017 added two new lectures with the latest Framer changes

Updated on 16th June 2017 added new lectures using the new Framer Design interface

Updated on 7th June 2017 updated two lessons to reflect the latest changes of Framer

Updated on 15th May 2017 new Microsoft UI for Framer added

Updated on 5th April 2017 updated course exercise to reflect the changes from the latest Framer update

Updated on 7th March 2017 new lectures with the new RangeSliderComponent added

Updated on 27th February 2017 a lesson was updated to match the new Framer changes

Updated on 26th January 2017 now all course resources can be easily downloaded

Updated on 24th January 2017 added new examples in some of the lectures

Updated on 11th January 2017 updated links for course resources

Updated on 9th December 2016 new bonus lecture added

Updated on 1st December 2016 new lessons added for learning to use the FlowComponent

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students who has an app idea in mind and want to start to create something or to test with users
Students who have a design that want to animate
Students who wants to learn how to add interaction and animation to their applications
If you never programmed before this course may be a bit hard for you
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Invent, design and experiment with interaction using your Photoshop or Sketch 3 designs. Learn how to use framer js

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