Writing UX Copy With Good Intentions

Fighting « Dark » UX Writing: How To Write Kind UX Copy

Writing UX Copy With Good Intentions
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36 Avis
1 252  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



UX Writing has become increasingly important for creating accessible, inclusive, and enjoyable user experiences in digital products of all kinds.

However: UX Writing can be an excellent tool for crafting user experiences, but it can also be a powerful weapon.

The latter is the case when we use UX Writing to trick users into something we want them to do, for example, buy our product or subscribe to our newsletter. Tricking users into doing what we want them to do is called deceptive UX Writing, also known as “Dark” UX Writing.

On the other side of the same coin, there is compassionate UX Writing – the act of producing copy that acknowledges the feelings of our users while effectively solving their problems.

This course discusses both concepts – “Dark” UX Writing and compassionate UX Writing – and we learn why and how to avoid the first and ensure the second, and as always, we will do so by working with both theory and a lot of practical examples.

Who should join

This course is a great choice for all UX Writers and for people who work with UX Writing, including UX and UI designers, developers, product owners, and project managers. It could be helpful to know what UX Writing is and what it is used for, so if you are a complete beginner, you may think about first checking out my introductory course here on Udemy.

What you will learn

In the first part of this class, you will learn

what “Dark” UX Writing is

about the different types of “Dark” UX Writing

how “Dark” UX Writing differs from “Dark” design patterns

how we can avoid creating these patterns

strategies that we can use instead of using “Dark” UX copy

In the second part of this class, you will learn

what empathy is

about the different types of empathy

what empathetic UX Writing is

what compassionate UX Writing is

How to ensure compassionate UX Writing

Sounds good? Then join this class and learn how to avoid “Dark” UX Writing patterns and ensure compassionate UX Writing!

If you want to take all of my UX Writing courses, here is the order recommend:

1 Introduction To UX Writing

2 Transitioning To UX Writing

3 Accessible UX Writing

4 UX Writing: Finding Your Voice and Tone

5 UX Writing in Practice: Documentation & Processes

6 User Research And Testing For UX Writing

7 Inclusive UX Writing: Physical Abilities & Neurodivergence

8 Inclusive UX Writing: Gender, Race & Age

9 Culture-Based UX Writing

10 Localization in UX Writing

11 Fighting „Dark“ UX Writing: How To Write Kind UX Copy

12 Building Your UX Writing Portfolio

13 Freelancing in UX Writing

Please note that all courses stand for themselves and that you don’t need to take any course as a prerequisite for taking another one. You don’t have to follow this order. This is only my very own suggestion, which is especially helpful when you need guidance on which course to pick next.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
UX Writers
Everybody who wants to transition into UX Writing
Copywriters, journalists, and other professionals who are working on transitioning into UX Writing but would love to learn more about UX Writing
Designers, developers, and project managers who want to integrate UX Writing into their team
Everybody who is interested in this topic!
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Writing UX Copy With Good Intentions

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