Learn how to do a 3d concept art in cinema 4d, bodypaint, and photoshop.

Female Cyborg 3d Workflow Art in Cinema 4d, and Photoshop

Learn how to do a 3d concept art in cinema 4d, bodypaint, and photoshop.
Notes de 3,6 sur 5
11 Avis
122  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is focused on creating female sci fi concept art in Cinema 4d, Bodypaint, and Photoshop. We will then bring our final model render into photoshop, to work on the final shot. (Note: The female base mesh used in this course comes shipped with Cinema 4d.) You should have some basic knowledge of Cinema 4d and 3d graphics in general, but if you don’t there will be a crash course in the bonus section to help you get up to speed. By end of this course you will understand how to:

Sculpt in Cinema 4d
Create geometry
Retopologize your mesh
Cloth Simulation in 4d
Create hair in Cinema 4d
UV’s in Cinema 4d
Add materials to your mesh in Cinema 4d
Texturing in Cinema 4d
Texturing in Bodypaint
Texturing in Photoshop
Rendering in Cinema 4d
HDR Setup in Cinema 4d

The last 6 videos of this course will give beginners a crash course into using Cinema 4d. So if you are new to Cinema 4d, the last 6 videos are where to start beginners will learn how to:

Set up custom UI
Adding geometry to the scene
Understand how Cinema 4d’s sculpting tools work
Hair Vertex Maps
Concepting with polygon pen tool
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone interested in making nice renders for a female sci fi character.
Anyone that wants to learn Cinema 4d.
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Learn how to do a 3d concept art in cinema 4d, bodypaint, and photoshop.

19,99 €
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