Grow Your Facebook Group The Scrappy Entrepreneurial Way

Facebook Group Growth Masterclass…For Personal Brands

Grow Your Facebook Group The Scrappy Entrepreneurial Way
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69  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



If you have a Personal Brand or would like to start one. This Facebook Group growth course is just for you.

Benefits of Facebook Groups for Personal Brands…

Over the past few years, you’ve likely noticed more and more groups run by businesses popping up. These are branded groups, which may allow entry to anyone who wants to join, customers-only, or only users who purchase a subscription package through the business that happens to include group membership itself.

There are a few key reasons to increase your Facebook Group following:

1) Build long-lasting relationships with customers

2) Increase your organic reach

3) You can offer additional value

Here is what will be covered in the course: 

Setting up a Facebook Group

The Importance Of Growing A Facebook Group

FB Group Set Up – AVOID Making These Mistakes!

How To Develop Your Voice & Brand For Your FB Group!

The 5 Ways To Explode Your Group With Growth

How To Create Content Every Day For Your Group

 How To Create Engaging Content So You Build Loyal Fans

Using Live Video To Hack Engagement & Reach

How To Leverage Your Facebook Group For More Subscribers/Group Members/Email List/Messenger List

How To Convert Members Into Customers

The strategies taught in this course have helped various clients begin their journeys with Facebook groups and really take advantage of this new medium of communication!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Entrepreneurs who want to build their personal brands & agencies who want to learn how to grow their clients Facebook groups
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Grow Your Facebook Group The Scrappy Entrepreneurial Way

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