Learn how to set up effective Facebook and Instagram Ads

Facebook Ads for Traffic, Sales and Leads.

Learn how to set up effective Facebook and Instagram Ads
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294  Sessions

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How to Setup Effective Facebook & Instagram Ads For More Sales and Leads.

In this course you will learn step by step how to setup effective Facebook and Instagram ads that will generate sales and leads. We will teach you how to set up custom audience who will buy your product and services. Then you will learn how to setup ads that will get you the maximum exposure but you will pay only when potential customers either visit your website or give you their contact information. From then on you will stop wasting your money and energy on Facebook Ads that don’t work and you will start creating ads with measurable results.

In this case course students will learn to

· Setup audiences that are really interested about your product or services

· Create Facebook and Instagram ads that you will only pay for website visitors and not impressions. (Traffic Ads)

· Create Facebook and Instagram Ads that will get you leads (Leads Ads)

· Create Facebook Ads that will generate massive Facebook Page Followers (Page Likes Ads)

· Create Facebook Ads that will boost your competitions and increase your engagement. (Boosting Competition Ads)

· Know the different charges of Facebook and choose the right type for each advertisement.

· Know what to avoid so you stop spending money on useless ads.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Social Media Managers, Business Owners, Digital Marketers and anyone who want to increase their sales through Facebook and Instagram Ads
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Learn how to set up effective Facebook and Instagram Ads

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