Develop confidence in RCC design manually and in software as well.

ETABS vs Manual Design: RCC Beam Design as per IS 456:2000

Develop confidence in RCC design manually and in software as well.
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9  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



1. Fundamentals of Beam Design Philosophy

2. Signly Reinforced Beam

3. Doundly Reinforced Beam

4. IS456: 2000 Reference

5. Complete Manual Design for Flexure with Example (hand calc)

6. Complete Manual Design for Shear with Example (hand calc)

7. Complete Design for Flexure with Example in ETABS

8. Complete Design for Shear with Example in ETABS

9. Understanding Complete Design Report in ETABS step by step

The design of reinforced concrete (RCC) beams in accordance with IS 456:2000, the Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, involves several steps. The design philosophy is based on ensuring that the beams are capable of safely resisting the loads they are subjected to while conforming to specified criteria. Here is a summary of the design philosophy for RCC beams according to IS 456:2000:

Structural Safety:

The primary objective is to ensure the safety and stability of the structure under different loading conditions.

Adequate strength and stability should be provided to resist the applied loads, including dead loads, live loads, wind loads, and other relevant loads.

Material Properties:

The design is based on the properties of the materials used, such as concrete and steel. Relevant material strengths and characteristics are considered in the calculations.

Limit State Design:

IS 456:2000 adopts the limit state design philosophy, which involves considering two limit states: the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and the Serviceability Limit State (SLS).

The Ultimate Limit State ensures that the structure can safely support the maximum expected loads without failure.

The Serviceability Limit State ensures that the structure remains serviceable under normal conditions, without excessive deflections or cracking.

Loading Conditions:

Different loading conditions, including dead loads, live loads, and other applicable loads, are considered during the design process.

Load combinations are specified to account for various loading scenarios, such as the combination of dead load and live load.

Strength Reduction Factors:

The design involves applying strength reduction factors to the material strengths to ensure a margin of safety. These factors account for uncertainties in material properties and workmanship.

Flexural and Shear Design:

For beams, the design involves checking for flexural strength (moment capacity) and shear strength.

The bending moment and shear force distribution along the length of the beam are considered, and the beam is designed to satisfy equilibrium and compatibility conditions.

Ductility Considerations:

Ductility is an essential aspect of the design philosophy, especially in seismic-prone areas. The design should provide a level of ductility to ensure that the structure can undergo deformations without sudden failure during earthquakes.

Code Requirements:

Designers must adhere to the specific requirements and guidelines outlined in IS 456:2000. This includes detailing and construction practices to ensure the structural integrity of the designed beams.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Civil/Structural Engineers
Civil Engineering Students
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Develop confidence in RCC design manually and in software as well.

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