Learn the Basics of: UX/UI Design, Design Thinking, and Apply Them to Real-World Projects with the Design Sprint Method

Essential UX/UI Design: A Beginner’s Complete Handbook

Learn the Basics of: UX/UI Design, Design Thinking, and Apply Them to Real-World Projects with the Design Sprint Method
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168  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Embark on a comprehensive journey through the world of UX/UI design with this meticulously structured course, designed for those eager to master the essential principles and apply them to tangible design tasks. Whether you are initiating your path or aiming to consolidate your skills, this course is tailored to elevate your design acumen to new heights.

Dive into the rich tapestry of UX/UI design, beginning with its historical context and evolving into modern-day design thinking. Explore the psychological underpinnings of user experience, such as cognitive biases, and discover how they influence design decisions. Delve into the heart of visual communication with detailed explorations of typography, iconography, color theory, grid systems, and comprehensive design systems.

Experience the dynamic, hands-on learning process of a design sprint. This course offers you a practical framework to bring your burgeoning design skills to life, challenging you to engage with real-world projects and hone your abilities in a supportive, interactive environment.

Detailed Course Outline:

Module 1: Foundations of UX Design

Tracing the Evolution of User Experience

Internet Milestones

Unraveling Cognitive Biases

Pioneering Design Thinking

The Google Design Sprint Model

Module 2: Principles of UI Design

The Art of Typography: From History to Application

The Craft of Iconography

The Science of Color Selection

Mastering Grid Layouts

Constructing Robust Design Systems

Module 3: Executing a Design Sprint

Comprehensive Overview of the Sprint Stages

Deep Dive into:

Empathy and Understanding

Problem Definition

Ideation Techniques

Decision-Making Processes

Prototyping Methodologies

UX Writing Essentials

Validation Strategies

Upon completing this course, you will possess a robust foundation in both the theory and practice of UX/UI design, empowering you to contribute to a diverse array of digital products. With newfound confidence and knowledge, you will be well-equipped to continue your learning journey and pursue a fulfilling career in this vibrant and expanding domain.

Seize the opportunity to transform your potential into prowess. Enroll today and chart your course to becoming a proficient and accomplished UX/UI designer!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of UX/UI design, regardless of their level of experience. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience in design, this course will provide you with a solid foundation in the principles and techniques of user-centered design. If you’re a web developer or digital marketer looking to expand your skillset and improve your design skills, this course is for you. You’ll learn the basics of typography, color theory, and design systems, as well as the principles of user research and design thinking. If you’re an entrepreneur or startup founder looking to improve the user experience of your product or service, this course is also a great fit. You’ll learn how to conduct user research, create user personas, and design prototypes that meet the needs of your target audience. Finally, if you’re simply interested in learning more about UX/UI design and want to explore this exciting and rapidly growing field, this course is the perfect place to start. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the principles and techniques of user-centered design, and learn how to apply them to your own projects and designs. No matter your background or experience level, this course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to create engaging and intuitive digital experiences that meet the needs of your users.
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Learn the Basics of: UX/UI Design, Design Thinking, and Apply Them to Real-World Projects with the Design Sprint Method

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