The email cadences course is one of the most important modules that we will be covering in sales school. At the end of the day, this is more often than not the first form of contact that you are making with a prospective buyer. In this course we will cover email writing and cadences in depth. The agenda for this course is listed below:
Email Composure: the parts of a high quality email
Introductions to cadences: what a cadence is and when to use them
Building a cadence: other components of a cadence and scheduling those actions accordingly
Knowledge check: you will effectively create your very own seven step email cadence
This skill is not only important for your ability to communicate in your job but also it is a great skill to own for a lifetime. Once you learn how to write effective emails, you will start to see responses rolling in.
There is a difference between an inbound and an outbound email that you will be sending. You will learn what the difference between these two emails is, the scheduling of the emails that you send out, you will learn a little bit about automation and how to set up a schedule for sending out emails, and you will be able to hand craft a mock seven step cadence that you may be able to use on a potential future interview. With securing the bag (or job) being the end goal of this class. You might as well expedite your path to success by starting to complete a future interview assignment now while I’m able to get eyes on it.
While this course shares more about the text of email cadences, I have another module in sales school that focuses on the actual tooling that folks need in order to be successful but we cover some of the tools that that sales people use from a high level in this course.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for anyone who is looking to change roles to a lucrative industry like tech. This is for people who may have considered getting into tech or sales but are looking for a direction on how to navigate the industry. This course sets expectations for beginners or folks that are just curious about the rest of my courses and modules.
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