Dynamo Script for the Shortest Path of the Electrical Circuit along Cable Trays & Fittings.

Electrical Circuit Path Through Cable Trays Revit. Advanced.

Dynamo Script for the Shortest Path of the Electrical Circuit along Cable Trays & Fittings.
Notes de 4 sur 5
18 Avis
135  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course you will learn how to create a Dynamo Script from scratch (step by step) to perform calculation for the length of the electrical circuit.

You will be able to calculate the length of the electrical circuit very precisely using routes along/inside cable trays from your model/project.

The Second part of the Script is dedicated to calculate the length between elements of the same circuit in plan view.

You will learn how to create electrical circuits, distribution system, voltages etc.

You will understand how to correctly configure Revit settings for electrical systems.

You will get familiar with different types of parameters: family, project or shared parameters.

You will get familiar with Dijkstra algorithm using Dynamo/Basic Python.

You will learn how to add or extract data from circuits using new instance or type parameters.

In this course you will get familiar how to manage your knowledges in order to create powerful Revit electrical families.

The user should have a basic background about electrical engineering and basic Dynamo in Revit.

Alternative voltage definition in Revit.

Panelboard. Distribution System in Revit.

Electrical Connector.

Revit – Electrical Circuits. Length of the circuits. Path mode.

Dijkstra’s algorithm in Revit. Length of the circuits. Paths along cables trays.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Revit users interested for the length of the electrical circuit along Cable Trays.
MEP Consultants. REVIT/BIM Electrical Modeler
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Dynamo Script for the Shortest Path of the Electrical Circuit along Cable Trays & Fittings.

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