Learn everything you need to know about Procreate with hands on drawing lessons. Now updated for Procreate 5.

Drawing and Painting on the iPad with Procreate

Learn everything you need to know about Procreate with hands on drawing lessons. Now updated for Procreate 5.
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78 443  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



From the moment Steve Jobs walked on stage and unveiled the iPad I’ve wanted to draw on one. It took a couple years for the hardware and software to catch up but now the iPad a fantastic little art studio you can easily take anywhere. 

I believe it’s best to learn through examples. here is what we will be doing in this course:

We will be going over the tools

After going over the tools we will be using them to draw to reinforce how they work

The drawing sessions are simple and easy to follow, anyone can do them

We will go through how simple comic strips are made step by stem from drawing panels to pencils to inks to colors and backgrounds

We will be learning all the shortcuts and options associated with each and every tool.

The final project will take all the skills we’ve learned and combining them into one final painting

Why Procreate? The best drawing app for he iPad is Procreate. procreate has been listed in the iPad’s top selling apps month after month and for good reason. It rivals many desktops apps for power and features. In this class we tackle Procreate to start drawing on the iPad.

Who is this for:

People who want to learn to draw but don’t know where to start

Illustrators looking to learn everything about Procreate

People who love drawing and sketching and want to start doing it digitally

Now updated for Procreate 5.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who have an iPad and want to learn how to draw
Illustrators learning to sketch and draw
Illustrators with experience who are unfamiliar with the iPad
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Learn everything you need to know about Procreate with hands on drawing lessons. Now updated for Procreate 5.

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