Learn how to draw beauty Caricatures with Procreate app on the iPad

Drawing a Caricature with Procreate 2019 On the iPad

Learn how to draw beauty Caricatures with Procreate app on the iPad
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39 Avis
196  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionProcreate is a powerful digital sketching and painting app designed specifically for the iPad. Procreate offers exceptional performance, an elegant user interface, powerful layers support, stunning filters, hundreds of brush presets (including pens, pencils, and abstract tools), and the ability to import, create, and share custom brushes. The app supports Apple Pencil and iCloud Drive, and it records each brushstroke as you work, so sharing your work by video is seamless.My main purpose is to create passion among talented youngsters applying the latest and most advanced human technology at the present time. Moreover, using this tool instead of pen and paper is a tactful and big step toward protecting the trees and environment as a whole. The next purpose, is answering to the question on how to use special image illustration softwares which contain unlimited and varied options. In this course, I have dawning of Tom Cruz’s caricature just in 7 hours which can be very helpful for those who are master in portrait. For beginners, also, the course opens a new bright perspective to enjoy caricature and learn all the portrait techniques to be a caricaturist in the near future. In my next course which will be published soon, I’ve taught face anatomy (profile, semi profile and full-faced) which can be helpful for those who want to be a caricaturist, painter and sculpture. Also, the course provides many practices, so students can learn how to see well paint well.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Anyone who wants to sketch and draw caricature on an iPadPeople who have an iPad and want to learn how to drawAnyone who Wants to Draw and Paint on iPad Casually or ProfessionallyAfficher plusAfficher moins

Learn how to draw beauty Caricatures with Procreate app on the iPad

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