Love Godzilla? Love King Kong? Draw your own Giant Kaiju Monster!
This is an amazingly fun drawing lesson on how to draw your very own giant creature.
This is a step-by-step art lesson. This is for any beginner drawer.
If you have ever watched a Godzilla movie, this is for you. There is a collection of different ways on how to draw the kaiju of your dreams. I want you to tap into your inner creativity.
We will go through:
1) Idea Stage – We come up with the body type, background of your kaiju.
2) Thumbnail Creature – We go through the fine structure of your awesome creature creation.
3) Framework – This is the bare skeleton of your chosen character. This is the frame for your final drawing.
4) Final Line Art – In this stage we through the final line art . This is a great lesson to bring your character to life.
5) Name Your Kaiju Monster! – We come up with a fun name for your Kaiju Monster!
You can be a complete beginner and come out of this lesson as a competent kaiju artist. This is the beginning of your artistic journey.
This is a short lesson, let’s get started! You will remember these tips forever!
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
For Beginner Artists
For New Drawers of Monsters
For Starting Artists the Love Drawing
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