Digital painting is not easy. Especially when you are an absolute beginner. There are so many moving parts . I am here to guide you through the jargon and terms and techniques. Watching videos online can be fun but not very educational. This course is not a « Watch me paint for 3 hours » session.
I am serious about you finally learning how to paint digitally. In this course you will learn the fundamentals. This is a course around the basics. While it may not teach you how to paint vivid landscapes or cool mechs or beautiful elves it will show you how to make all of your paintings better and stronger.
I wanted to create a « What’s missing » course. I feel strongly I have accomplished that.
The software you choose it up to you. this isn’t dependent on any one specific app.
If you are ready to learn the basics and create a strong solid foundation with digital painting then this is the course for you.
If you are a traditional artist who is looking to make the jump to digital then this is for you as well.
If you can draw and want to start making digital paintings but got frustrated in the past of often felt intimidated then this is for you.
I ask that you bring and open mind and a willingness to learn.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who is looking to learn the basics of digital painting
Any Traditional media artist looking to get into Digital
Anyone who has been intimidated by digital art in the past.
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