Everyone is looking to sell something. It can be as simple as a product or a service or more elaborate as an idea or even ourselves.
A car salesperson tries to sell a car, a politician tries to sell an idea or a concept and an employee tries to sell himself to get a better job.
Today the vast majority of buyers, or the people we seek to sell to, are on social media.
It is therefore, only natural that most brands seek to actively market their products or services on social media.
But is it for you? Will you be able to benefit in actual commercial terms from social media marketing?
That is the million-dollar question and we will try to answer it within this course, as well as addressing how each business can approach social media marketing to achieve actual business objectives.
But we will not stop there, we will go through the process of choosing what channel is best for you, how to set the right targets for your business and how to estimate the budget you will need for our social media marketing.
I will also explain if in your case it would be best to create your own in-house digital marketing team or hire a digital agency.
By the end of the course it will be very apparent is social media marketing is indeed for you, by answering a few simple questions.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Marketing staff
Business owners
Store owners
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