Want to become a Professional DM Strategist? Learn to Plan, Create and Manage a Winning Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital Marketing Campaign: Plan a Professional Strategy

Want to become a Professional DM Strategist? Learn to Plan, Create and Manage a Winning Digital Marketing Campaign
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79 Avis
386  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Campaign planning is the act of putting together a strategy for your marketing  activity. 


      Planning Correctly  a Strategic Marketing Campaign is essential to

Build Consistent Results Overtime

Build Your Brand

Get Instant Feedback and Prevent further Mistakes

But To create a winning campaign you need to 

Understand what you are trying to achieve – leads, sales, branding ?

Is there a business case? Use the BOSCARDET method to understand so

Follow the Six Steps to deploy your campaign correctly

Define Key Performance Indicators

Define if you might have some blockages (web site, product etc etc)

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Web Managers
Web Owners
Web StartUps
Campaign Managers
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Want to become a Professional DM Strategist? Learn to Plan, Create and Manage a Winning Digital Marketing Campaign

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