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Developer Relations: Managing a Tech Community

Mastering Engagement, Growth and Success in a Tech Community
1 211  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionI have just updated the price of this course to FREE.  With the high demand for Developer Advocates, more and more individuals need to become more knowledgeable about Developer Relations.  The « Managing a Tech Community via a Developer Relations Advocate System » course offers a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of the strategies, best practices, and ethics involved in building, maintaining, and growing a successful tech community. This course is designed for aspiring Developer Advocates, community managers, and anyone interested in harnessing the power of community to create a positive impact within the tech industry.Throughout the five modules of this course, students will learn the fundamentals of community management, with a focus on the role of a Developer Advocate in fostering and nurturing thriving tech communities. By the end of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of community management principles, effective content creation and distribution, measurement, and optimization of community initiatives, and the ethical considerations essential to maintaining a healthy and inclusive environment.Emphasis will be placed on the importance of creating strong connections with community members, understanding their needs, and delivering valuable content that engages, educates, and empowers them. Students will gain practical knowledge of various content types, distribution channels, and promotional strategies to reach a wider audience and drive community growth.Furthermore, students will learn how to use metrics and analytics to evaluate the success and impact of their community management efforts, enabling them to make informed decisions and continuously improve their strategies. The course also covers essential ethical considerations and best practices for managing conflicts and challenging situations, ensuring a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the community.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Developer Relations Advocates and Community Managers in the tech industry are responsible for managing and growing a community of developers, users, and customers.Product and marketing professionals who want to learn about the best practices for building and engaging a tech community.Entrepreneurs and startups want to build a strong community around their products or services.IT professionals who are interested in advancing their skills in community management and building a successful tech community.Individuals who are interested in learning about the strategies and techniques for managing a successful tech community and building lasting relationships with members.Afficher plusAfficher moins

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