Logo designs, brand identity and style guides.

Designing a Selling Brand: Style Guide and Logo Design

Logo designs, brand identity and style guides.
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21 Avis
73  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionIn this course I will begin by explaining the difference between a logo and a brand. We then will dive deep into how to determine the right logo for the brand, as well as how to design it. I also will touch on how to speak to your client and what to ask before starting a brand redesign. Near the end of the course I will show you how we put it all into a style guide.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Beginner Graphic DesignersBrand DesignersBeginner marketing consultantsAfficher plusAfficher moins

Logo designs, brand identity and style guides.

19,99 €
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Redirection double avec deux onglets

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