Learn The Secrets of Web Design and How Professional Designers Create Elegant Websites and Mobile Apps.

Design Responsive Websites with Invision Studio

Learn The Secrets of Web Design and How Professional Designers Create Elegant Websites and Mobile Apps.
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95 Avis
3 187  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course you will have an immersive experience in the Web Design world and learn how professional Web Designers create stunning websites and mobile apps.

It all starts with the right tools. You could use Photoshop or even Canva to design a website, but that wouldn’t be very efficient. Once you learn how to use a program made specifically for Web Design, you’ll notice the difference in terms of productivity and the quality of the end result. This course will make you master Invision Studio and take your projects to the next level .

You’ll learn everything including the basic and advanced tools of Invision Studio, the measurements for responsive design for Desktop, Mobile and Tablet, how to work with the 12-column grid for pixel perfection, what are the common elements of Web Design, how to export the prototype so Web Developers can start working immediately on your design, how to create interactions and how to work with components for high productivity.

Additionally, we are going to cover important topics like design principles and web design fundamentals that will teach you how to create great pieces of web design that look modern and elegant.

If you need some inspiration to get started with your first projects, we’ve got you covered. There are lessons fully dedicated to teaching you where to find assets to complement your design projects and what are the best websites to find inspiration from the most talented Web Designers in the world!

You’ll also learn many tips for productivity and best practices to save you time and keep your Web Design process fast and organized.

If you want to learn the secrets of Web Design and how professionals create great looking web pages and apps, you cannot miss this course. Enroll now and start learning today.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students Aiming to Become Professional Web Designers
People Interested in Learning The Process of Designing Websites and Mobile Apps
Developers Who Want to Learn the Basics of Web Design
Anyone aiming for a Career as a Freelance or In-House Web Designer
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Learn The Secrets of Web Design and How Professional Designers Create Elegant Websites and Mobile Apps.

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