In this course you will be learning my industry trade secrets and techniques for drawing maps. With over 150+ plus perfect reviews on my service illustrating maps for books, film, movies, games, (and even weddings), I am ready to impart what I know about this challenging craft in an easy-to-learn series.
For non-artists and artists alike!
If you don’t consider yourself to be art-savvy but still want to create maps, no problem! My course provides brush packs and assets that will eliminate the need to be a proficient artist in order to create professional looking maps.
Course Content
In this course we will be drawing, coastlines, water, mountains, forests, and we’ll also go over how to draw:
-compass roses, keys/legends, Scales, and border designs.
We will also create a fictional world map, and converting it into an exportable 3D globe using Maptoglobe!
This includes:
-2 Course-included brush packs
-A Paper texture
-1 Pattern Fill
-The source file (.PSD) used in the series
– A basic rundown of Photoshop so you can get started with little to no experience.
For Writers
As a fantasy author myself, I have a bit of knowledge creating worlds in the fantasy landscape. As a fantasy author who has drawn hundreds of fantasy maps for other writers, I know the cliche’s and common pitfalls. I also know what looks good, and what falls flat. This course is mixed with my advice, as a writer to you, on what to do, and what to avoid when designing your map and fictional world.
Recommended Tools
(Though not required) A drawing tablet and Adobe Photoshop is recommended for this course. The techniques I teach will be demonstrated in the Photoshop program, not all drawing software may include the tools necessary to replicate what is shown.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Lore Masters
DND Dungeon Masters
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