Build textures and materials as you learn to paint directly on your 3d models with ZBrush using Polypainting!

Create materials in 3d with ZBrush’s PolyPainting

Build textures and materials as you learn to paint directly on your 3d models with ZBrush using Polypainting!
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243  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


Description In this series, we jump into creating textures in ZBrush using polypainting. We’ll examine the mesh and review references for the model and then we’ll do a small exploration into matcaps and colors. We’ll then begin to layer in a foundational skin tone before using the spray brush with an alpha to help create the imperfections usually found in skin. We’ll use cavity masking to help us creating some shadowing and then the spray brush again to help give our demon head a five o’clock shadow! We mock up some ideas for eye coloration before finally adding a base color to the horns to contrast with the skin of the demon! (Students – please look under Section 1 / Lecture 1 downloads for the source files associated with the lesson.) More about the Instructor: Stephen Wells is an expert 3D modeler for characters, props, vehicles, weapons and environments and have created both high and low polygon assets for game productions. He has over 20 years experience in creating a variety of game assets for several different genres (fantasy, sci-fi, combat, superheroes, horror, etc) using 3ds Max, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush, Mudbox, Topogun, and xNormal. As an enthusiastic instructor, he loves creating video tutorials on a wide variety of subjects to help students better their skillsets. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Intermediate to Advanced users who already know the basics of ZBrushUsers who want to learn 3d painting with ZBrushAfficher plusAfficher moins

Build textures and materials as you learn to paint directly on your 3d models with ZBrush using Polypainting!

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