Learn how to create your own amazing Explainer Videos using Adobe After Effects

Create Explainer Videos Using Adobe After Effects

Learn how to create your own amazing Explainer Videos using Adobe After Effects
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



How To Create Explainer Videos Using Adobe After Effects

Ever wanted to create your own amazing Explainer Videos for YouTube or other Online Platforms? Now you can with Adobe After Effects 2018. You can also use previous versions to follow along.

So what is an explainer video?
An Explainer Video is great a tool for explaining your business or service to the online community. Or you could simply use this technique to create interesting and engaging YouTube or other online videos.

What you will learn?
By the end of this course you will be able to create your own impressive Explainer Videos with great quality Voice Overs and beautiful animations.

Topics covered in this course:

Writing The Script

Recording the Voice Over using Audacity

Editing Your Voice Over Using Audacity

Determine Scene Durations In Audacity

Finding Graphics Or Creating Your Own

Setting Up Your After Effects Project / Organizing and Importing Assets

Creating Your First Scene

Animating Your First Scene

Creating Your Second Scene

Animating Your Second Scene

Creating Your Explainer Video Sequence And Importing Your VO

Creating Markers To Assist With Scene Durations And Transitions

Placing Your Scenes On Your Main Sequence

Adjusting Scene Animations To Fit The Voice Over

Creating Scene Transitions

Exporting Your Final Explainer Video Using Adobe Media Encoder

Things you will need:
1: A Copy of Adobe After Effects & Media Encoder
2: Animation Composer (Free Plugin)
3: Audacity (Free Software)
4: And a good quality Microphone (I’m using the Samson C01U Pro USB Studio Condenser Microphone)

Thank you so much for enrolling in this course – I really hope that you will find it helpful and by the end of this course you will have your first amazing Explainer Video – ready for uploading to YouTube.

Let’s get started!!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who is interested in creating their own Explainer Videos in After Effects.
Anyone interested in creating 2D animations in Adobe After Effects 2018
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Learn how to create your own amazing Explainer Videos using Adobe After Effects

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