Learn 2D game user interface design with a free vector software!

Create engaging 2D Game UI with Inkscape!

Learn 2D game user interface design with a free vector software!
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66 Avis
1 502  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



A good game needs great graphics, nice music and cool characters 

– and of course a well designed game user interface!

I created this course to help the indie developer community to create clean and engaging UI designs for their games. Even if you are not a designer, you can just download this free software, and follow my course! 🙂

During the course we will use the amazing open-source software Inkscape. Inkscape is a vector graphical software, which makes it perfect for 2D game element design.

During the course we will learn the theory of game UI design, and we will create:

several icons and icon sets

buttons and menus in various styles

2 versions of UI design for a fantasy game, 

2 versions of UI for a space shooter,

and one version for a casual gem stone game

We will also draw an icon set for a ninja game – that lesson is a free preview, check it out!

Although this is a beginner game UI course, a basic Inkscape knowledge is good to have. I stop and explain every single step I make, but you have to work on your own confidence and skill level in Inkscape.

Important: We will create all the buttons and icons during the course, however, recreating the game screens shown in the preview and used as a base to design on during the lectures are NOT part of this course!
 Also, this is a UI course, we are not working on the UX part of he design.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Developers, who want to design their own games
Designers, who want to learn more about Game UI Design
This course is NOT for you if you are a seasoned UI designer. This is a beginner course!
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Learn 2D game user interface design with a free vector software!

19,99 €
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Redirection double avec deux onglets

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