Learn traditional millinery skills and create your own fascinator hat

Create a Fascinator Hat with a Designer

Learn traditional millinery skills and create your own fascinator hat
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18 Avis
78  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you a hat lover, and would you like to learn how to make your own hat? Join London based milliner Elena Shvab in her studio for a hat making class and create a beautiful fascinator.

This workshop will enable you to create your own fabulous fascinator hat, and leave with the skills to carry on creating more. You’ll learn how to block a fascinator base, manipulate sinamay straw, use wire, work with veiling, and learn traditional millinery stitches. By the end of the session you will gain invaluable millinery skills and create a beautiful finished hat. 

Each video contains a detailed step by step tutorial and process of making a fascinator hat using traditional millinery skills. Elena will guide you and explaining every detail. You will also learn what materials to prepare in order to start making.

As an option, a material kit including all necessary materials is available to purchase. For more information please contact me directly.

Elena Shvab is a London-based milliner and textile designer. Taking inspiration from nature, history, contemporary art and modern culture, she works with bold shapes and experimental textile techniques to create dramatic silhouettes.

Elena is an experienced millinery tutor, also offers hat-making workshops and private millinery tuition in her London studio and online. She teaches both traditional and modern hat making and shares helpful technique videos on the Elena Shvab Millinery YouTube Channel.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who loves creating
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Learn traditional millinery skills and create your own fascinator hat

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