Proven world-class template for writing all of your sales letters. Simply do the groundwork and watch the sales!

Copy Intelligence: Write Persuasive Copy that Sells

Proven world-class template for writing all of your sales letters. Simply do the groundwork and watch the sales!
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Struggling with writing sales copy?

It’s true…Copywriting is tough.

It takes effort. It takes hard mental focus.

Mostly, it takes a ton of research to figure out exactly who our ideal customer is, and how to speak to them in a way that compels them to take action.

When you sit down to write some sales copy, you get stuck:

You don’t know how to start…
You don’t know how to finish…
You start thinking you need to add more « power words »…
You wonder how to ‘frame’ the offer…

And here’s the vicious truth that you might be avoiding…

Copywriting = Freedom

Want to make more money than you are right now?

Learn to write good sales copy.

If you can write good copy, you will never struggle to make money. Clients will pay you top dollar for your work. And if/when you create your own products you wont be at the mercy of Google or penguins or algorithm updates or any other SEO stuff.

You won’t be building an empire on quicksand.

And you’ll have the unique ability to say to yourself, « Hmm, I want to make a bunch of money today. » Then crank out a simple sales letter in 30 minutes to an hour. And freaking make money with it that day… and for years afterward!

Then you can move on to the next project with confidence. And the next. And the next.

This is reality for a small number of people who put in the small amount of work up-front to learn this « secret ».

The secret?

You don’t have to be an award-winning copywriter to create effective sales letters. In fact, writing great sales letters is more of a science than an art. Even the pros use proven « templates » to create sales letters that get results.

Imagine…Having complete copywriting FREEDOM 24 hours from now (maybe less).

What does that mean?

…No more pulling your hair out trying to write a sales letter or ad that converts…
…No more failed attempts at coming up with a good selling angle…
…No more FEAR and hesitation about what to write…

Introducing…Copy Intelligence

Copy Intelligence is a one-of-a-kind copywriting course designed specifically for entrepreneurs, marketers, and business owners to boost sales – even if you’re not a natural writer. By the end of this program, you’ll know exactly how to write powerful copy that grabs your customers attention, triggers curiosity and interest in my product or service, and ultimately persuades them to take action and BUY from you.

Here’s what we’ll cover in the course:

Discover my step by step blueprint for writing powerful copy that grabs your customer’s attention, triggers curiosity and interest in your product, and ultimately persuades them to take action and BUY from you.
Get several of my proven templates and formulas so all you have to do is fill-in-the-blanks for your own business or product – and you’ll have ready to go sales copy… It really doesn’t get easier than this…
Simply follow the step by step blueprint I lay out for you and apply the proven copy techniques that I’m going to show you, and you’ll be able to start writing sales generating copy for your specific business and product starting today.

The reality is that writing good copy is essential if you’re an online business because the first thing anybody sees when they see you online is your copy. 

So this course is a must, especially if…

You have a quality product you’re proud of. I only work with people who know that providing value is the only way to be successful.
You have a product or service and you want to promote it online — through your website, email, blog posts, sales pages, or social media.
You’re patient, deliberate, and methodical. You’re committed to spending the time to learn how to create copy the right way, and you know this will not happen overnight. You know that if you put in a few hours a week and do the heavy lifting up front, you can enjoy the rewards for years to come.

I’ve created this course to give you this formula, all you have to do is simply follow the formula step by step with tweaks according to your product & customer and you’ll have a sales letter that will convert.

To get started simply click « Take this Course » or « Add to Cart ».

I’ll see you inside.

– Basim

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
You have a quality product you’re proud of. I only work with people who know that providing value is the only way to be successful.
You have a product or service and you want to promote it online — through your website, email, blog posts, sales pages, or social media.
You’re looking to get people to listen to what you have to say and take action on your content.
You’re looking to get ahead of your competitors by cutting through the marketing noise and speaking directly to your customers.
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Proven world-class template for writing all of your sales letters. Simply do the groundwork and watch the sales!

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