Advanced Techniques and Portfolios that Succeed

Concept Art Character Design

Advanced Techniques and Portfolios that Succeed
Notes de 4,9 sur 5
1 348 Avis
10 706  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to Concept Art Character Design! My name is Hardy Fowler and I’ve got an amazing and valuable course to share. Character Concept Art is a really exciting and high demand field. Countless entertainment industry clients are willing to pay very well for skilled artists who can conceptualize and paint beautiful and memorable character art, BUT, it’s a highly competitive corner of the market and you need to stand out from the crowd in order to succeed.

Help is here! the main, big picture idea of this course is to show you how to elevate good character art into amazing character art. I’ve been doing this for over a decade now and my career has taught me some sure fire ways to push any character concept painting to the next level and that’s what I want students to take away. We’re going to make your portfolio stand out from the pack – let’s turn good into great!

This course is designed for character artists who already feel like they know the basics but want to rise up to much higher levels. We’ll do six full character projects covering a wide variety of genres and challenges and I’ll show some incredibly cool and easy to master rendering techniques. But this course is so much more than just a painting demonstration. We’ll dive into all of the concepts and theories that guide great character design and you’ll learn all of the skills, habits and mindsets that really elevate those pro-level portfolios that get picked by clients.

• I love chatting with students and seeing their work

• I offer responsive support and feedback

• this course is packed with career-changing resources and bonus materials

So, if you are looking to reach that next level and create the kind of portfolio that can launch a concept art career, don’t miss this course. Enroll today, grab your stylus and let’s PAINT COOL STUFF!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who likes to paint cool stuff!
Students with some experience in character concept art who want to take their skills to a professional level
Students who want to make a living as a character artist
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Advanced Techniques and Portfolios that Succeed

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