Become a Photoshop Pro

Complete Photoshop Course For Beginners

Become a Photoshop Pro
Notes de 3,4 sur 5
31 Avis
3 035  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionIn this course you will learn from scratch how to become a master of Photoshop. We start with basic stuff like photoshop files, the interface, shortcuts and through the course we will discuss all the amazing features of Photoshop. Further into the course we will start to combine all the amazing features. That is where the power of Photoshop will be unleashed!We also have a section with a lot of different projects I have done in the past so you can see how amazing Photoshop is! The course continues to grow. When you bought it, you will have free updates when the course expands.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?People who have no experience with Photoshop and want to learn itPeople who want to learn how to edit imagesPeople who want to learn how to enhance imagesAfficher plusAfficher moins

Become a Photoshop Pro

19,99 €
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