From Amateur to Professional. Become expert in MESHING and ANALYSIS with 5+ Industry Projects & Case Studies.

Complete Altair Hypermesh & Optistruct Course

From Amateur to Professional. Become expert in MESHING and ANALYSIS with 5+ Industry Projects & Case Studies.
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913 Avis
4 619  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



******************* Course Structure  ***************************

The course will take you on exciting journey from beginner to expert in Theoretical Concepts behind CAE/FEA ,

Main theme of course is to get insight into Creating and modifying CAD/Geometry , Meshing , Connections and Analysis.

We will start with Theory of FEA , where you will get familiar with critical ways in which you can find solution to given problem and the logic behind most of the CAE software’s .

Then we will proceed toward meshing where we will learn about 1d, 2d, 3d meshing & guidelines that one has to follow while meshing.

In meshing section we will do hands on exercises of many components and try to implement guidelines that we have studied. We will talk about quality checks and quality parameter in much detail along with the mathematical formulation of quality parameters.

Then we will move towards building assembly of various components using connections .

At last we learn to perform Modal Analysis , Static analysis . I have some of the industrial projects waiting for you.

Last section will be placed for your doubts. I will update this session with answers to all of your doubt

Below is the brief outline of the course and various modules involved in the course.

Theory of FEA/CAE

Objective of this module is to get you familiar with FEA/CAE.

Understanding problem solving techniques.

How FEA works.

Introduction To Hypermesh

Graphical User Interface

Import and Export

Example : Import and Export

Model browser



Mask Browser


Creating and Modifying Geometry

Building block of our Model

Why we need to Modify or Create Geometry

XYZ Coordinates

Node On Geometry

Extract Parametric Line

Interpolated Nodes


Lines Creation

Line Edit

Surface Creation

Surface Edit

Geometry Cleanup and Defeature


Why Geometry Cleanup

Example : Clip Repair

Example : Plastic Tray

Example : Crossmember


2 Examples on Defeaturing

Introduction to 2D Meshing


Concept of midsurface

Element Shape


Guidelines : Washer, fillets, Tria

Example : Clip Meshing

Example : Holding Bracket


Introduction to 3D Meshing

3D Element Shape

Solid Edit

Line Drag

Linear Solid


Example : Arm Bracket

Volume Tetra

Element Quality


Aspect Ratio



Jacobian Min/Max Angle/Length

Tetra Collapse

Volumetric Skew

Mesh Edit




Order Change

Introduction to Plastic Meshing

Sheet Metal vs Plastic Components

Basic Idea of Plastic Meshing

Midmesh Thickness

Offset Midsurface Extraction

Surface Pair


Example : Plastic Meshing

Introduction to 1D Meshing

Cantilever Beam (Bar Element)

Cantilever with Rod Element

Cantilever with Aluminium

Simply Supported Beam

Modal Analysis


Governing Equation

Plate Modal Analysis

Frame Assembly Validation

Linear Static Analysis


Governing Equation

Beam 2D

Buckling Analysis

Introduction : Structural Instability

Example : Column Buckling

Example : Mobile Tower

Example : Connecting Rod



Spot Weld

Seam Weld

Bolted Connection

Connections Using .xml File

Example : Solid Welds – Bracket  & Plate

Example : 2D Welds – Bracket  & Plate

Project 01 : Frame Assembly

Project 02 : Mounting Bracket

Project 03 : Convergence Study of Solid Mounting Bracket

Project 04 : Plastic Meshing

Meshing Practice

Download Files for Practice

Knuckle – Tetra Meshing


What is Isotropic , Orthotropic & Anisotropic

Replacing component with MASS Element

Participants Doubts

Doubt in Translate Command

So Enroll now and start this exciting journey with me.

******************* Course Updates  ***************************

1. Added new video on types of analysis

2. Added new video on type dynamic analysis

3.Added new video titled « Implicit vs Explicit ».

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Mechanical, Automobile , Aeronautical engineering students and professionals
Anyone who wants an insight into validation of products
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From Amateur to Professional. Become expert in MESHING and ANALYSIS with 5+ Industry Projects & Case Studies.

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