Master the art of character design and illustration using Adobe Illustrator In this over the shoulder demo.

Character Design and Illustration: The Summoner

Master the art of character design and illustration using Adobe Illustrator In this over the shoulder demo.
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106 Avis
577  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Character Design and Illustration: The Summoner. Join me as I walk you through my method of character design and illustration using Adobe Illustrator. I spent over 10 years developing the style of illustration using the most robust vector software on the market. You will learn exactly how I approach my character design and illustration as if you’re over my shoulder watching me in a real-life studio setting. My approach to character design is very modular, and allows for many different types of genres and design types. So whatever, kind of project you’re working on this demo will get you on the right track.

The techniques I’m using in this video series can be carried over into many other painting and drawing applications. The methods  I’m using are partial to Adobe Illustrator. This video will focus primarily on how to digital paint in the broadest sense so we can apply the knowledge to any other process as we see fit.

Digital painting and cell shading in Adobe Illustrator allows you to adapt your character designs for many uses and sizes. Since vectors are scalable and do not pixelate when resized.

Just imagine the implications.

In this course, you will learn:

how to get started inking in Adobe Illustrator
how to color flats in Adobe Illustrator
dynamic lighting techniques

Enroll today!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students who wish to learn Character Design and Illustration in Adobe
Anyone who wants to learn how to develop character design in Adobe Illustrator
Anyone who wishes to learn advanced brush techniques
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Master the art of character design and illustration using Adobe Illustrator In this over the shoulder demo.

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