In this modern calligraphy course you'll learn best hand lettering techniques, brush lettering tips & cool font designs

Calligraphy: The Ultimate Modern Brush Pen Lettering Course

In this modern calligraphy course you’ll learn best hand lettering techniques, brush lettering tips & cool font designs
Notes de 3,9 sur 5
52 Avis
405  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Hey there!

Welcome to the Course on “Modern Brush Lettering Basics for Beginners” from Letstute.

In this course, you will learn A-Z basics, font styles, drills, strokes and cursives, how to connect alphabets and to write amazing English quotes by developing the skill in its refined form. You will have the best learning experience in these 4+ hours of interactive learning.

Experience with an exclusive chapter covering all the common mistakes or errors you may experience while learning step-by-step modern calligraphy and brush lettering.

This course is absolutely perfect for beginners even if you have no idea what Brush Lettering is so far.

This amazing course will help you in:

Creating Fancy and Beautiful Lettering Artwork.

Improving your Hand & Eye co-ordination

Providing you better overall control and flow of hand on the paper which improves handwriting

Make you skilled in a widely appreciated & popular Artform

Meditate & calm your mind through the art

Relax and enjoy a therapeutic experience

To sum up all of it:

We are bringing you a dedicated chapter to help you avoid common mistakes and errors during the learning process.

This course is being offered at a minimum price and gives you the maximum advantage.

The best part is that it comes with LIFETIME ACCESS to new chapters that we keep adding.

Are you still waiting?

Don’t miss out on this Golden Opportunity to learn Brush Lettering & Calligraphy.


À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone interested in creating word art
People wanting to level up in Art and Craft industry through Fancy Lettering
Anyone interested in learning calligraphy and hand-lettering
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In this modern calligraphy course you'll learn best hand lettering techniques, brush lettering tips & cool font designs

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