Upgrade your brick-and-mortar space by diffusing natural scents

Business Branding with Essential Oils

Upgrade your brick-and-mortar space by diffusing natural scents
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82  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Learn how to choose, diffuse and blend fragrant, natural essential oils to upgrade your business space.

Here’s what the power of scent can achieve:

elevate our mood and level of enjoyment

enhance your guests’ service encounter with you

influence decision-making wherever people spend time and money

help build your brand: scent is linked directly to recognition and memory

You will be learning about 7 different essential oils – Orange, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Vanilla, Pine, Lavender – and how to choose and diffuse them for your desired atmosphere and the goals you have for your space. Essential oils are powerful tools for our physical and emotional well-being. And, speaking of scent: Have you ever walked past a coffee shop and decided to enter when the scent of a fresh, delicious brew filled your nostrils? The power of scent can do so much for us!

This course offers lectures with background information and activities to help you personalize and try out what you’re learning, depending on your space’s individual needs, which might change over time and with different seasons and occasions. Become confident in choosing invigorating, reassuring, motivating, calming, etc. essential oils, and learn how to blend them to create unique, new scents.

Let’s dive right into this fragrant journey!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for YOU if you manage a brick-and-mortar space where guests or customers spend time…
This course is for YOU if you would like to brand, enhance and personalize the service encounter your guests or customers experience with you by diffusing invigorationg, calming, etc. aromas
This course is for YOU if you are interested in providing a little « extra » fresh and joyful surprise for those who spend time with you – maybe while shopping, waiting, learning, meeting, enjoying free time, relaxing, connecting, working out, and more
This course is for YOU if you are in charge of, for instance: a shop, studio, gallery, business, or organization and are passionate about frequently upgrading your space’s atmosphere
This course is for YOU if you would like to provide some extra happiness and motivation for your guests, employees, students, customers, …
This course is for YOU if you’re interested in creating a low-tox environment with natural essential oils and the basics of aroma care: How scents influence our emotions and well-being
Please know that this is not an « Aromatherapy » course – we do cover 7 essential oils with their everyday benefits as examples though
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Upgrade your brick-and-mortar space by diffusing natural scents

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