Learn how to build and design professional portfolio website, product landing page, and restaurant website with Webflow

Building & Designing Interactive 3D Websites with Webflow

Learn how to build and design professional portfolio website, product landing page, and restaurant website with Webflow
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2 482  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to Building & Designing Interactive 3D Website with Webflow course. This is an extensive project based course where you will learn step by step on how to build and design an interactive 3D website using Webflow alongside with Spline which is a 3D designing tool. In the introduction session, you will learn the basic fundamentals of Webflow, such as getting to know its main features, common use cases, and I am also going to show you several project showcases created using Webflow. Then, in the next session, you will learn to build 3D models using a tool called Spline, then those 3D models will be integrated to your website later on. After creating several 3D models, we will move on to the project section. Firstly, you will explore all features on the Webflow editing page and you will get to know how to edit the website’s content, upload images, change the design, style, colour etc. Afterward, we will start the actual project. In this course, we will build three websites, the first one is a professional portfolio website, the second one is the product’s landing page, and the third one is a website for restaurants. We will start by adding contents and also optimise the SEO, then, we will integrate 3D models that we created using Spline to the website. In addition to that, we will also animate the website and make it more interactive. Even more exciting, we will build and integrate AI chatbot using Orimon AI. This chatbot will help to answer questions from your website’s visitors. After building the website, we will be conducting testing to make sure that the website functions as it should and also to check if the website has a user friendly interface. There will be four main testing objectives that we are going to be focusing on, those are functionality testing, user experience testing, compatibility testing, and performance testing. Lastly, at the end of the course, we will explore several business models that you can consider, for examples like starting a web design agency, selling Webflow templates, offering SEO service to website owners, selling design assets, and building an E-commerce store for clients.

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask ourselves this question, why should we learn to build and design a website using Webflow? Well, there are many reasons and let me explain these two major reasons. Firstly, as the world economy undergoes a digital transformation, an increasing number of businesses are transitioning to online platforms to sell their products and reach a broader customer base. Consequently, there is a growing demand for the creation of high-quality and compelling websites. Secondly, Webflow stands out as a powerful and user-friendly tool that empowers designers and developers to create sophisticated websites without delving into complex code. This accessibility makes it an ideal platform for individuals and businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence without having extensive technical expertise. Last but not least, acquiring the skill of building interactive 3D websites using Webflow will certainly equip you with valuable skill sets and potentially open up a lot business opportunities in the future

Below are things that you can expect to learn from this course:

Learn the basic fundamentals of Webflow, such as getting to know its main features and use cases

Learn how to build 3D models with Spline

Learn how to edit text, add content, upload images, change background colour, font type, font colour on Webflow editing page

Learn how to integrate 3D models to Webflow

Learn how to animate 3D models on Webflow

Learn how to build a professional portfolio website, product landing page, and restaurant website using Webflow

Learn how to build and integrate AI chatbot to Webflow

Learn how to create online reservation forms using Typeform

Learn how to conduct SEO audit using SEOptimer and Semrush

Learn how to build website using WebWave

Learn about website testing objectives, such as functionality testing, user experience testing, compatibility testing, and performance testing

Explore business models like starting web design agency, selling Webflow templates, offering SEO services, building E-commerce website, and selling design assets

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who are interested in building interactive 3D websites using Webflow
People who are interested in animating 3D models
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Learn how to build and design professional portfolio website, product landing page, and restaurant website with Webflow

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