Hello and welcome to my course, Book Marketing: Amazon Series Landing Page and Custom Domain.
No author website? No blog? No problem!
In this course, I’ll teach you how to create an optimized Amazon author landing page with no extraneous BS. Meaning: no expensive website and no time-consuming blog. I’ll then explain how to create a custom domain and forward it to your Amazon author landing page.
As an example, when you visit the custom URL for my wife’s Miss Henry Mysteries series, you’ll automatically be forwarded to the Amazon author landing page (in this case, an Amazon book series page) for the Miss Henry Mysteries series.
Q: How do you create the landing page?
A: By creating an Amazon Kindle eBook series page featuring all the books in a series or all the books by the author. Author biography and Amazon Author Page augment this page.
An added benefit is that all books in a series are displayed on the Amazon book product page for each book in the series. You can’t buy this kind of advertising — and it’s free.
Q: How do you forward the URL to an Amazon series page?
A: By creating a simple forwarding record for the custom URL to forward it to the series page.
You can even forward emails directed to characters in the book series, common destinations such as your author name and « support » or « help » via the domain.
Q: How do you forward all these emails?
A: By creating simple forwarding records for all these emails to your email account (e.g. Gmail).
Why duplicate effort by creating an expensive and hard-to-maintain author website? Instead, create a simple Amazon Kindle eBook series page based on your current book descriptions and containing Amazon customer ratings and buy buttons as a landing page. Automatically include a list of all the books in the series on every Amazon book product description page for each book in the series.
Why write blog posts when you should instead be writing books?
Refer readers to a simple custom URL. Provide domain email accounts for your book’s characters.
Q: What is the #1 reason you should use an Amazon Kindle eBook series page as your landing page instead of an author website?
A: Potential readers can buy directly from the Amazon series page (which is updated as you publish more books). In fact, Amazon goes so far as to offer the entire series for sale through a single mouse click.
This is simple. This is short. This is explained in depth and step-by-step in this course.
Q: What is the total cost of a forwarding domain?
A: About $9.42 for the first year.
Did that go a little too fast for you? No worries, simply enroll in the course for a slow-paced, step-by-step walkthrough of the entry process. Implement it at your pace. Own it for your lifetime.
I’ll see you in the classroom,
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for all author’s hoping to establish a web presence through the creation of a free and simple Amazon book landing page.
This course is for old pros looking to up their book marketing game and to save money and time wasted on their website.
This course is probably most useful to students who have already published, or are about to publish, several Amazon books.
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