Take your modeling skills to the next level by creating a realistic car ready for your film and visual effects projects.

BlendMasters Vol. 1: Model a Concept Car for Film in Blender

Take your modeling skills to the next level by creating a realistic car ready for your film and visual effects projects.
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Over 1,200 students have enrolled in this course! Learn what they’re learning!


Did you know that modeling and animation are the two most highly sought after skills in the industry? Why? Because they are so essential to putting amazing graphics up on the screen.

But modeling is one of those things that a lot of people shy away from because it can be difficult to master. This course is going to give you an inside peak into the method behind the madness of the top modelers in the industry. You’ll learn how to model a custom concept car from initial concept art all the way to a finished high resolution model in Blender.

Why do you want to learn how to be a better 3d modeler?

Do you want to land your dream job at a VFX or game studio?
Do you want to create your own visual effects shots that are completely custom to your project?
Sick of dealing with stock models? Want to learn how to build your own?
Do you want to expand your skills so you can sell your models for passive income?
Need to create extremely detailed hard surface models for your next project?
Does the idea of advanced modeling sound just a little scary at times?
Want to step up your game from an intermediate dabbler to an advanced poly king?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then this course was designed specifically for you. It is guaranteed to push your modeling skills further and empower you to take on new and unique hard surface modeling challenges.

Here’s what some of my students have to say:

« Very professional tutorial

I’ve been searching for tutorial like this, and also when they asked me from Udemy what I would like to see this is what was my wish. Thank you for listening me,and for putting such awesome tutorial. Lectures are detailed, professional, and concise so my full recommendation for purchasing this awesome courses. Now I’m waiting for shading and for rendering this awesome concept car. — Koleos3d Novak »

« Just what the life coach ordered.

Hey…I took Brandon’s last course and since that time I have actually landed some good projects with real world clients in event and exhibition / environment design .. I’m super looking forward to expanding my skill set with this one.. thanks DUDE!! –Shane Lucas Bailey »

Who is this course is for?

People who already know their Blender basics (Beginners check out my other course on Udemy titled Blender Unleashed: Master 3d Fundamentals Quickly)
People who have plateaued with the beginner tutorials and are looking for something more advanced to sink their teeth into
Anyone looking to become a better hard surface modeler
Anyone who needs to build vehicles for their projects
People who want to take a serious in-depth look at a VFX project and how it can be done in Blender

By the end of this course you will have seen a concept car built from scratch using detail-up hard surface modeling techniques. This first volume will give you the knowledge on how to build, and subsequent volumes will show you how to light, shade, texture, render, rig, animate, and composite a complete shot using the car. The BlendMasters series is meant to be comprehensive. So this course doesn’t pull any punches. The focus is unapologetically focused entirely on modeling.

The best part? You get to see the entire project come to life right in front of you…

I don’t try to hide my mistakes. I’ll show you how a project looks at the rough stage and show you how to push through barriers to overcome your own challenges.
I respect your need for thoroughness. The course is full of real-time walkthroughs of each section with battle-tested advice from my years of experience.
I don’t waste your time. Hey you can’t spend the next 2 weeks watching me build the car! So I also provide time-lapse segments showing you a birds eye view of sections containing workflows we’ve previously covered.

By purchasing this course today you are locked in at your current price and will never have to pay another dime. Future updates to the course are yours completely free of charge.

++++++++++++++ UNCONDITIONAL 30 day money back guarantee! +++++++++++++++

No project is ever truly finished so as needed I will update the course with new sections about details I’ve added to the car or questions that you have asked in the discussion section.

Are you ready to take the next step and start mastering Blender? Then get this course now and start your journey to making epic 3d graphics.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is meant for intermediate to advanced 3d artists who know their way around Blender
This course does not cover fundamental Blender navigation and operation. Please see my other courses below if you are looking for beginner training.
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Take your modeling skills to the next level by creating a realistic car ready for your film and visual effects projects.

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