we will create togather Jeep Willys 1942 from start to finish with Blender 2.91

Blender: Create Jeep Willys MB 1942 From Start To Finish

we will create togather Jeep Willys 1942 from start to finish with Blender 2.91
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Hi I’m Marwan Hussain

Welcome to my new course on how to create Jeep Willys MB 1942 from start to finish with Blender 2.91, I’m not going to use any other software, the only software that you need to accomplish this project is Blender.

Before you read the description I advise you to see the intro video and switch the video resolution to HD to see the details better.

These kinds of projects like creating Jeep Willys 1942 need time and decent knowledge in modeling in general, where to start how to create complex shapes from primitives shapes, and we will go through all of that step by step.

We will start by adding the reference images and aligning them correctly to start the journey of the modeling.

Modeling will take most of the course time because there are tons of objects we need to cover in this section, and it will be fun to go through because I explained all the steps that I made, which means it will be easier to you to follow along with me.

When the modeling section is finished we will go to the Unwrapping section, in this section, we will unwrap most of the necessary details of the vehicle to make these objects receive the texture correctly without any problem, and at the end of the day get realistic results.

After that we will go to the materials section, in this section we will create the materials one by one and add them correctly to the vehicle and make it a bit old and rusty with some imperfections to boost the realism to the maximum.

After that we will ad the camera and make the scene ready to make the final render, we will use HDRI images to illuminate the scene with natural lighting, and that’s will help to have a realistic render.

This description is just a short overview of the course, too many details and nice stuff you can see inside I don’t like to mention them here because I want to make the description short and straight.

You can go to the intro and see the final result by yourself and I’m quite sure that you will appreciate the course and the effort that I put in.

My name is Marwan Hussain,

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
this course for all level but I prefer if you are quite a beginner go ahead and learn the basic of Blender
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we will create togather Jeep Willys 1942 from start to finish with Blender 2.91

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