Master Blender while learning to Model, UV, Create PBR Textures, Lighting and Rendering

Blender Complete PBR Art Creation : Sci-fi Crate and Turret

Master Blender while learning to Model, UV, Create PBR Textures, Lighting and Rendering
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210 Avis
1 667  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionIntroductionTake your first steps into creating Art in blender – learn all the necessary tools and tips to create models from basic to complex, create your own PBR materials, as well as creating compelling lighting all done in Blender 2.9 ( Works from blender version 2.8 onward ). This course is structured for both beginners and advanced users. The Goal of the first section is to introduce you to blender while completing the sci-fi crate project, hopefully inspiring confidence for students to take on the much more complex advanced section where you will create a sci-fi turret and learn all the advanced tools and tips along the way. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?For those who want to start with a beginner project, the sci-fi crate and then move straight on to much more complex and challenging turret and take their art into the next levelAfficher plusAfficher moins

Master Blender while learning to Model, UV, Create PBR Textures, Lighting and Rendering

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