Designed for absolute beginners, this course is your stepping stone into the exciting realm of digital creation

Blender Basics For Beginners Course

Designed for absolute beginners, this course is your stepping stone into the exciting realm of digital creation
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you ready to dive into the world of 3D modeling? Look no further than our comprehensive “Blender Basics For Beginners Course.” Designed for absolute beginners, this course is your stepping stone into the exciting realm of digital creation.

Whether you’re a 3D modeler, a game developer, or simply curious about 3D design, this course will equip you with the fundamental skills needed to navigate Blender with confidence.


Introduction to Blender: Familiarize yourself with Blender’s interface and navigation controls.

Object Manipulation: Learn how to move, rotate, and scale objects within 3D space.

Modeling Essentials: Master the art of creating 3D models from scratch. From simple shapes to intricate designs, you’ll learn various modeling techniques to bring your ideas to life.

Rendering and Output: Discover how to showcase your creations in the best light possible. Learn about rendering settings, output options, and tips for creating stunning visuals.

Designed for beginners, this course starts with the basics, guiding you through the interface and essential tools of Blender. You’ll learn foundational concepts such as object manipulation, basic modeling techniques, and the principles of 3D space.

Throughout the Blender Basics For Beginners Course, you’ll have the opportunity to apply your newfound knowledge through practical exercises and projects, reinforcing your understanding of each concept.

And that’s just the beginning!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners or intermediate users who are new to Blender.
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Designed for absolute beginners, this course is your stepping stone into the exciting realm of digital creation

19,99 €
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