Revit 2019 and above + BIM Project in 4 discipline (RVT files) + All Revit Families as Gifts + Exercise files + Quizzes

BIM- Revit Architecture 2024- From Zero to Advanced Level

Revit 2019 and above + BIM Project in 4 discipline (RVT files) + All Revit Families as Gifts + Exercise files + Quizzes
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10 095  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Comprehensive Revit Architecture Course for Architects and Those Looking to Become BIM Modelers.

Note: This course is designed based on the architecture and BIM job market, and your instructor is an experienced BIM manager who has compiled this content based on his personal experiences.

Before enrolling, please check the course catalogue and the file you receive as a gift in the first two lectures.

Are you looking to learn Revit and become an expert in BIM (Building Information Modeling)?

Are you an architect trying to learn Revit for 3D modeling and details?

Do you want to gain a competitive edge in your career by learning advanced modeling techniques?

Divided into small, easy-to-follow parts, this project-based course will guide you through the BIM process and teach you all the essential drawing and editing tools in Autodesk Revit. You’ll learn how to define floors, draw walls and ceilings, and check technical connections, insulations, and details. You’ll also discover advanced techniques for modeling different types of stairs, curtain walls, partitions, and roofs, as well as steel and concrete structures.

But this course is not just about tools and instructions – it’s also about sharing real-world experiences and solutions to common problems. You’ll learn tricks and shortcuts that will give you a competitive advantage in your career, and you’ll have the confidence to take on any project or challenge.

Here are just some of the topics covered in this course:

The BIM process and its importance

Floors and drawing Walls and Ceilings

Modeling different types of Stairs and Ramps

Designing Curtain walls, Partitions, and Roofs

Modeling steel and concrete structures, trusses, braces, and rebars

Integrating disciplines of structure, architecture, and MEP

Topography and landscaping

Creating special objects and Furniture

Annotation, Tagging, and Grouping

View templates, stair and wet area layouts, and conditional writing

Modeling complex shells and facades

With lifetime access to the course, you’ll be able to learn at your own pace and revisit topics as needed. And with a dedicated support team, you’ll have the help you need to master Revit and take your career to the next level.

Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a Revit expert!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
BIM Modelers
Revit Users
3D Modelers
BIM Coordinators
BIM Managers
Project Managers
Quantity Surveyors
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Revit 2019 and above + BIM Project in 4 discipline (RVT files) + All Revit Families as Gifts + Exercise files + Quizzes

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