Hi! Thanks for joining me for Beginning Paper Mosaics. So, what exactly is a « paper mosaic »? Well, we are using small bits of paper to make a larger image. That’s a mosaic – made with paper – so… « Paper Mosaic »!
This course will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a paper mosaic from start to finish. You can join me and create a butterfly, or you can take what you learn and make something else. Even if you have worked in paper mosaics before, I hope you will find lots of tips that you can incorporate into your work and style.
The « Preparing Papers for Your Art » course is not a prerequisite for this course, but it is helpful to have the papers from that class to use in this one. If you don’t wish to take that class, you can use other papers such as magazine papers, book papers, scrapbooking papers, etc… in this course.
Let’s get started!
Beginning Paper Mosaics Supply List
The supplies listed here can be replaced by different brands, and you might not need everything listed here. You can come up with your own ideas, too, to supplement this list. These are ideas to get you started on your creative journey!
Bare minimum list: thick paper for your base, magazines to rip up, ModPodge, a paintbrush, scissors.
More extended supply list:
What you use for your base is up to your own personal choice after watching the lesson. Below is my favorite…
· Ampersand Hardbord (Item #14941-1212 Dick Blick) Comes in many sizes
· Golden Gloss Medium for the sealer (Item #00628-1115 Dick Blick)
· Golden Gesso (Item #00628-1175 Dick Blick)
· Foam Brushes
Lesson 2 – Design:
· Sketch paper
· Pencil
· Optional: Carbon paper, tracing paper, scissors
Making a Paper Mosaic:
· ModPodge (Item # 10047537 Michaels)
· Papers for ripping, cutting, gluing. You can use painted papers from the course « Preparing Papers for your Art » or simply use magazines and other found papers
· Brush – I use CraftSmart brand brushes. They are $8 at Michaels but they don’t seem to have them on their website. The bristles are called « taklon » and they are great to use with ModPodge.
· Low lid for holding ModPodge
· Tracing paper
· Scissor
· Xacto knife
· Cutting mat
· Thin Black Sharpie
· Liquitex Gloss Varnish (Item #61670 Jerry’s Artarama)
· Foam brush
· Cup for varnish
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who enjoy making art and learning new techniques
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